I think I have said it before but family is very important to me. My world revolves around my husband and my boys. I know that people often think that I put too much into them but I love them so very much that I just can't picture my world without them.
My husband is tall, quiet, and keeps to himself until he gets to know you. Once he gets to know you then you find out that he is funny and smart. With me he is very loving and caring. I love that he wants to snuggle on the couch when we watch television or movies or such. He holds my hand all the time. He is constantly hugging me and showing me his affection. I know it sounds corny but he recently made me a mix of music for my ipod and he is continually adding to it. It is all music that reminds him of me. He even went so far as to listen to a country station one day for music. If you really know him, then you know that he is a classic rock guy and listening to country was an endurance test. He knows that I like country though so he made an effort. He helps me cook supper from time to time and I love that time when we are side by side doing that. He takes care of us, encourages us, manages our finances (which I am so glad), and is creative with adventures that take us to new places. We have been married for 25 years now and it still seems like we are still just coming off our honeymoon. He is the hero of my heart.
My oldest son is athletic, smart, and funny. He is such a people person which is a good thing since he is in the marketing business. He is a lot like his daddy. He loves with every inch his soul and he has no problem showing his love. He calls me regularly just to say hi and see if I am okay and let me know how he is doing. He has a strong Christian foundation and is such a godly man. Just like his daddy. He knows how to make me laugh and does it all the time.
My middle son is so very smart, musical, quiet, and funny. He knows that if he starts a certain quote then I will start laughing no matter what mood I am in. He is a genius with computer systems. He is also most like his daddy. He cares deeply and he is sensitive although a lot of people don't see that. He is kind, giving, helpful, and respectful to everyone. He is going to be a great catch for some girl and she had better watch out because he will sweep her off her feet when he realizes she is the one for him. (His daddy did that with me.)
My youngest son is talented in so many ways as well. He is musically inclined, theatrical, and knowledgeable about so many aspects of history and such. He is determined, personable, funny, and kind hearted. He treats people with respect but he also has an opinion for everything.
My kids are smart like their daddy. I am the cute one! (HAHA!!!). They are so different yet so alike in many ways. They make me laugh. They have no problem giving us hugs or showing affection. They are talented beyond measure. I am so stinking proud of all that they have done, are doing, and are going to do.
I could go on and on about my family. I love them more than words can say. They are my world. Be blessed.
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