I figured that this title was the best to go with. I was all set to post my first blog and then I realized that many people will be seeing this for the first time and may not know my journey to this point. Even some of you who have been connected with me may not know this. Well, like the title says, "Let's start at the very beginning."
About two and a half years ago, I woke up one Sunday morning with this urge to encourage everyone in my phone. I had been down in the dumps and I was feeling a little blue that day. I knew that a common text at that time (before smart phones really got going good) was about 140 characters. So after some editing and thinking and editing again, I posted a simple message and then sent it to everyone in my phone. I mean--everyone. Immediately, I got back some texts that said, "Take me off group messages." "Don't send these again.", etc. I wasn't offended or anything. I just made a note and went on my way. That week, I had a much better attitude and things began looking up. The next Sunday rolled around and I woke up thinking "Hey, let's do it again!" So, I did. Only this time, I made sure to include that I was praying for everyone and that I hope they had a blessed week. It was still a short message.
As the next couple of weeks went by, I decided to get bolder with my messages and make them slightly longer. I was frustrated because I had so much more to say and trying to say it in 140 characters wasn't doing it for me. I knew that there would be some people who would complain about the length but I figured if God went to the trouble to give me something to say then I needed to say it. Surprisingly, only one person asked me to drop them due to the length of the text. Now, at this point, I was texting co-workers, friends, family, and people I was acquainted with. If you were a contact in my phone, you were fair game. All in all, it amounted to about 150 people.
I had been sending out my Sunday messages for about 6 weeks and I decided one Sunday that I just didn't have it in me to send anything out. I didn't have a clear word from God and I was feeling yucky (physically and spiritually). So, I didn't send out my text. My phone just about blew up! I normally send the text out when I wake up or just before I leave for church (around the 8:00-8:30am time). At 10:00am, I started getting texts. "Are you okay?" "Are you sick?", "I didn't get my text this morning." "Where is my text?" and the list goes on. I was dumbfounded. Here I thought I was just sending out a little encouragement for a bit and then I would go on my way. Not the deal!
I started praying and I asked God, "What the heck is going on?" He promptly replied as He does with me (a spiritual 2x4) and told me that He had given me words to say and I needed to say them. I argued (yes, I know! I shouldn't have argued with God but I did.) that I couldn't say it in 140 characters. He responded with "Who said it had to stay within 140 characters? I have stuff for you to share." It shook my whole being. I was going to be sharing God's message with these people. That was huge! He was right (as always!) I had words that were dying to come out of me and until I wrote them down and shared them, I felt like I was going to explode.
Needless to say, I started back on my Sunday texts. I have only missed a couple of Sundays in that time due to illness (I do make sure to let everyone know the reason why I am missing that Sunday regardless). Every week, I pray for God to show me or give me a word to share. Sometimes, a picture will trigger it, sometimes a conversation, a situation, a person, etc. I am always listening because I know that God will tell me what He has for me to say.
As for the 140 characters, well, that went out the window after that Sunday revelation. I took the gloves off and the messages started getting more intense. Sometimes, they are to the point and other times, just a shared memory that ties to what God is saying in my heart. Every time I add someone to my phone contact list, they get added to the Sunday text list. It happens. Yes, I have people tell me not to send it to them. Yes, I have people who have bashed me for being "holier than thou". I pray for them anyway and move on. God didn't give me these words for me to get a pat on the back but He gave me these words to share so that people would know that He is there. He wants to be a part of their life. He wants to be in their heart. He wants them. Period.
My Sunday texts have expanded to over 200 people every Sunday morning. I love that. Then it happened. God told me that since there were people that didn't get my Sunday texts, I needed to do a weekly message. I didn't even blink. I asked Him what I should say. So I started up a Weekly Words of Wisdom message at work about 5 months ago. Now, at work, I have to be careful about how I word things because they frown on mentioning God in the workplace but God gives me words to say so that His message is still clear. This message goes out to about 50 more people.
I know this blog is long but hang with me. The beginning is almost over. I knew in my heart that I wanted to write and I have tried on and off to start books and such but nothing ever solidified. Then 3 weeks ago out of the blue, a co-worker emailed me and said, "You need to write a book of these messages that you send. They bless me and they need to be seen by others." (That was number one.) Several days later, a lady in my local town, called me and said that she was so blessed by my weekly texts. She told me that she shared them with her Sunday School class and it was a blessing to others. Then she said, "You ought to write a devotional book and include these messages. They would be such a blessing to others." (That was number two.) A week later, (I bet you know what I am going to say!), I was on my way out with my family and a friend from high school who I hadn't heard from in forever texted me and said, "Your Sunday texts always bless me and come just when I need that word. You ought to write a book." (Yes, it was number three). I don't need a 2x4 for this one. I knew immediately what I needed to write.
I looked up at God and said okay, this is in your hands. The flood gates opened and I have been blessed with words beyond words to write. Every day, I have to just about restrain myself at work to keep my mind on my job and not on just wanting to sit and write. God is pouring messages into my soul and my spirit and I am so excited!
So this is the beginning. You now know how it started and I hope you will continue on my journey with me. I will be blogging a lot and some of it may sound familiar but hang with me. I am writing the book that God has placed on my heart. I look forward to our times together and I look forward to sharing my heart and God's words with you.
Be blessed and know I am always praying.
ReplyDeleteI know from FBC, FB and MHS. I've admired you and a great teacher. I'm glad that you have decidedd to taoe to the pen in the name of the Lord.